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Clinical Trials Implementation & Research Team Management Badge

28 users have earned this Badges

Choose 6 courses from all 16 courses below OR choose one of the two focal areas:

Clinical Trials Implementation & Research Team Management Badge with Study Implementation Focus
23 users have earned this Badges

Study Implementation Focus

  1. Research Protocol Development: What is a Protocol and How Does It Differ Among Mechanisms?
  2. Protocol Deviations: Overview
  3. DCOC IRB Administrators: Study Start to Finish
  4. Understanding Pediatric Assent and Ethical Considerations in Conducting Clinical Research
  5. Preparing for Your Study: Using the MOP and Study Protocol
  6. Overview of Data Monitoring Boards

Clinical Trials Implementation & Research Team Management Badge with Trial Management Focus
17 users have earned this Badges

Trial Management Focus

  1. Managing a Multicenter RCT: Lessons Learned
  2. Advertising your Research Study
  3. Social Media in Academic Medicine
  4. Social Media in Trial Advertising and Recruitment
  5. The Influences of Health Literacy on Clinical Research Trials
  6. Transforming the Quality to Clinical Trials and Reestablishing Trust in Translational Research

Transforming the Quality of Clinical Trials and Reestablishing Trust in Translational Research


Application and Practice of Statistics in Clinical Trials


Research Protocol Development: What is a Protocol and How Does It Differ Among Mechanisms


Preparing for Your Study: Using the MOP and Study Protocol


The Influences of Health Literacy on Clinical Research Trials