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Legal & Regulatory Responsibility & Accountability Badge

26 users have earned this Badges

Choose 6 courses from all 16 below OR choose one of the two focal areas:

Legal and Regulatory Responsibility & Accountability Badge with Regulatory & Accountability Focus
24 users have earned this Badges

Regulatory & Accountability Focus

  1. Research Record-Keeping: Essential Practices
  2. Audits
  3. What’s so Special about FDA Trials?
  4. NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
  5. Understanding the Impact of Health Literacy on Informed Consent
  6. Single IRB, Role of the IRB in Pediatric Research
Legal and Regulatory Responsibility & Accountability Badge with Research Ethics Focus
20 users have earned this Badges

Research Ethics Focus

  1. The Ethics of Human Subject Research
  2. Research Misconduct
  3. Responsible Conduct of Research
  4. Understanding Pediatric Assent and Ethical Considerations in Conducting Clinical Research
  5. Transforming the Quality to Clinical Trials and Reestablishing Trust in Translational Research
  6. Protocol Deviations: Overview

Transforming the Quality of Clinical Trials and Reestablishing Trust in Translational Research


Research Protocol Development: What is a Protocol and How Does It Differ Among Mechanisms


Preparing for Your Study: Using the MOP and Study Protocol


Understanding the Impact of Health Literacy on Informed Consent